
SSB4 moves - Ghirahim

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The Demon Lord that presides over the surface. He seized Zelda from the sky so he may use her soul to reawaken his master Demise. When he first encounters Link, he toys with him, bearing a calm demeanor. Over the following meetings, though, his manners slowly fade and give way for his true wrathful nature.

If anything, Ghirahim is a glass cannon. His high strength and hit rate compensate for his mediocre horizontal speed and his low mass. He puts more hit rate into his barehanded attacks and special moves, and more power into his sword attacks.


A - Melee Combat
- Left hook, right jab, finished with a spinning double kick.

Side A - Kick
- Swings his foot forth.

Up A - Uppercut
- Swings his fist upward.

Down A - Sweep Kick
- Swings his foot all the way along the ground.

Dash A - Rushing Charge
- Lunges forth with his arms flying to the sides. Decent launch.

Side Smash - Wide Slash
- Swings his sword forth in a wide slash.

Up Smash - Spinning Leap
- Leaps upward in a double-flip sword attack.

Down Smash - Low Spin Attack
- Spins sword low all around twice.


Air A - Knife Round
- Summons an orbit of knives around himself. Does multiple hits.

Air Front A - Aerial Slash
- Swings sword forth, also dealing a weak hit behind.

Air Back A - Back Arc
- Swings sword behind in a rising arc.

Air Up A - Upward Arc
- Swings sword above in an arc.

Air Down A - Downward Strike
- Swings sword downward. Meteor smash.


Standard Special - Dark Sky Strike
- Raises his sword to charge power. On command, will hurl a red disc in any of eight directions. Can dodge roll out of charge. Charge determines disc's size and strength.

Side Special - Knife Storm
- Creates a wave of five knives and launches them forth. Quick to execute.

Up Special - Demon Warp
- Snaps his fingers, vanishing in a plume of diamonds (damages struck foes). Reappears a short distance away.

Down Special - Dark Counter
- Readies a dark orb in one hand, and can aim it in any of eight directions. If the orb is struck, Ghirahim will counterattack. Not as strong as Marth's Counter.

Super Smash - Sword Spirit
- Assumes his spirit form for a limited time. Dark Sky Strike charges twice as fast, Knife Storm can create two knife waves in a row, Demon Warp creates a burst of diamonds at both ends of the teleport, and Dark Counter holds another orb at the opposite side.

Final Smash - Black Tornado
- Conjures a dark twister around himself, towering from top to bottom in the stage. Sucks in nearby foes, then launches them at the end of the attack.


Grab - Snatch
- Grabs foe by the throat.

Pummel - Pound
- Punches foe in the stomach or chest.

Front Throw - Toss & Slash
- Tosses foe upward and strikes him/her away with his sword.

Back Throw - Backflip Slash
- Does a backflip sword attack to launch foe behind.

Up Throw - Upward Jab
- Strikes foe upward with a sword uppercut

Down Throw - Impale
- Drives his sword into foe, making him/her crumple to the ground.


- Triforce

- Appears in a flurry of diamonds.

Up Taunt
- Swings sword around twice, then dismisses it while giving a dark giggle.
Side Taunt
- Licks his blade and chuckles.
Down Taunt
- Flips his bangs back with a snide "Hm!"

Victory Poses
- Levitates and throws his arms out while laughing madly.
- Does all four parts of his ritual dance while warping about spontaneously.
- Swings his sword in a full circle and warps away.

- White outfit, gray skin, red cloak, yellow/black accents
- Red-orange outfit, dark orange skin, red cloak, orange/white accents (Red)
- Yellow outfit, bronze skin, gold cloak, red/blue accents
- Azure outfit, dark-blue skin, blue cloak, black/purple accents (Blue)
- Pale-green outfit, dark-green skin, green cloak, white/yellow accents (Green)
- Dark-gray outfit, umber skin, black cloak, white/gray accents


Snake: That cloaked man...I can practically feel his bloodlust emanating.
Mei Ling: That's no man, Snake, I assure you. He's the Demon Lord Ghirahim! Ghirahim took over the surface below Skyloft, and even captured Zelda so he could revive his master.
Snake: Surprised someone as arrogant as Ghirahim would have a master.
Mei Ling: About that...Ghirahim is actually the Demon King's sword. That does help to explain his sadistic lust for battle, though. But you know, some say that submitting to that craving will make you a weapon yourself.
Snake: You don't need to worry, Mei Ling. I'm not submitting like he did.
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ivana818's avatar
Ghirahim sounds like he would be a awesome ssb4 character !