
Dominion -Ch5-2-

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- CHAPTER 5 - Treading the Land
Part 2

Damian (with Lucas riding) hurried along the road toward the east side of Kuroi. There lies the Sangras region, where the fifth Crystal to find rests.

Damian: Shouldn't be much farther now.
Lucas: Yeah, I can see –

However, as they approached the hill that crossed the grassland into the savannah, Damian ran into a large dark-colored barrier of some sort, which blocked him off. The impact sent Lucas tumbling off of Damian and through the barrier.

Lucas: {surprised} What...?
Damian: What is this??

Damian pawed against the barrier, not able to phase through it. Lucas got up and walked back to Damian.

Lucas: That's strange...It's not letting you through?
Damian: How come nobody else has noticed this before? I mean, it stretches between the surrounding mountains! {sigh} Maybe they can't see it...We must be special cases.

Lucas leaned against Damian in thought.

Lucas: What should we do...I mean, if we had a way to dispel this barrier, we'd be riding on smooth sails, but –
Damian: Dispel... (!) Of course! Lucas! Remember that Divinity that she unlocked the other day?
Lucas: She? You mean that dragon?
Damian: Yeah! Er...okay, I think I might have forgotten a lot in the dungeon, including her name...but I do remember her! And I remember what this Divinity does!

Damian conjured a purple flame around his right forepaw.

Damian: It's called Necro Serpent.
Lucas: Neh-kro - ?
Damian: No, NEE-kro. It's classified as a Shadow power. I remember devising it to dispel barriers like this...

With that, Damian launched the purple flame from his forepaw in a serpent-like shape as it flew into the barrier. Upon impact, the barrier was shattered and dissipated.

Lucas: Amazing...!
Damian: Cool, isn't it? It's also designed to chase down a predetermined target, so if we meet anything like that...
Lucas: Well, let's press on for now.

Lucas hopped back onto Damian as the dragon proceeded on into the savannah. This land transitioned from the usual Kuroi grassland to the Sangras Desert up ahead. The desert is quite vast, bordered at both sides by mountains. There are patches of vegetation here and there – grass, flowers, cacti, and some withered old trees.

Damian: So you said that Jack would be around here, too?
Lucas: Yeah. He should be around the town Sangrasede, which...should be along the west mountainside.
Damian: West it!

As Damian went forth through the desert, however, he was held off by the sudden appearance of a bandit-like Guilt (Gold Greed) and two different-colored Krysts. As the first Kryst they faced, these were crystal beasts containing a captive human body. These were a Crimson Kryst and an Azure Kryst.

Lucas: (!) A Guilt!
Damian: And more Krysts??

The Gold Greed zoomed at Damian and struck him with its scimitar-like arm. The dragon flinched at this attack as the Guilt kept zipping around.

Damian: Whatever, let's focus on the –

As Damian charged at the Krysts, though, the Gold Greed struck him twice more.

Damian: (!) Hey, stop that!
Lucas: That thing's too fast! Not to mention annoying...

The Azure Kryst floated back and launched a wave of fire into Damian while he was distracted by the Gold Greed.

Damian: Nngh - ! This isn't working...We have to stop that Guilt!

Damian conjured a Necro Serpent, which chased after the Gold Greed faster than it could run. This tripped it up, making it fall onto the ground. Damian took this chance and pounded it into oblivion with his clenched forepaw. With it out of the way, he could focus on the Krysts.

Damian: The Azure Kryst is a spellcaster...Let's take care of the Crimson one first.
Lucas: Yeah, but don't forget to guard against the Azure one's spells.

So Damian and the Crimson Kryst came after each other, clawing at each other. The Azure Kryst launched an arcing thunder orb down at Damian during this, but the dragon noticed it coming and shielded against it with his wings. This also blocked an attack from the Crimson Kryst. Damian then struck it with a headbutt, shattering it into shards which dissolved into the earth.

Damian: ...One more!

Damian rushed at the Azure Kryst, sidestepping its fire wave, and he spun it about by catching it in an Electro-Coil. After it was good and dizzied, Damian slashed it with his claws, destroying it in the same way. After that, he felt a bit shaken about what happened.

Lucas: Wasn't...there anything else we could have done? I mean, for the people trapped in those shells...
Damian: I wish there was...but I get the feeling the victims were already killed beforehand. No...more like a strong notion. I could feel life emanating from anything besides the Guilts and the Krysts...
Lucas: Beforeha - ? So they might be corpses?
Damian: I'd hate to think that, but if it's true...Anyway, we should keep going. The less of those that keep coming, the better.
Lucas: Yeah...Let's go!

So, Damian proceeded on through the desert. Up ahead, toward the northern half of the desert, they saw something impeding their path.

Damian: Whoa - !

Damian skidded to a stop before the mighty sandstorm ahead. It was raging throughout the north side.

Lucas: That looks dangerous...! I don't think we can get through...
Damian: Hm...maybe not you, but...

Damian looked to the left, and saw a wide path between the mountains. They led to a gate ahead.

Damian: That must be Sangrasede!
Lucas: What are you...?

Damian rolled Lucas off his back.

Damian: You should get your rest. I' scouting the area up ahead.
Lucas: Alone? In that sandstorm??
Damian: Heh... {stretches his wings} You think these are only good for flight? Well...I can't yet, but I can still shield myself. Don't worry, I won't get myself into trouble out there.
Lucas: That's what I'm worried about! How do I know you'll be safe? How do YOU know?!
Damian: me! The thing is, you're not well-equipped for these conditions.
Lucas: ...
Damian: I won't be long...Just give me about half an hour.
Lucas: ...Fine, I trust you. Half an hour, okay?
Damian: Okay. Later.

With that, Damian folded his wings over his head and walked into the sandstorm. Lucas sighed as he turned toward the path to the gate.

Lucas: {to self} So now what...?

Still, he couldn't just stand out in the desert near the sandstorm. So he proceeded down the path to the gate. The gatekeeper in the gate's booth saw Lucas coming. This guard seems to have been trained at RPOS.

Gatekeeper: Name, please.
Lucas: Lucas. Lucas Vinisha.
Gatekeeper: Ah yes, Commander Vinisha said you might be coming. Please, enter.

The guard got the gate opened. Lucas walked through, entering the town of Sangrasede. An opening in the mountainsides, the houses are built into the stone, with a second and third story above. In the center of town is a circular plaza with colored bricks laid in a radial pattern around a fountain (which is connected to a well). There are a few buildings near the area as well, one of them serving as a base for RPOS.

Lucas: Wonder if Jack's here...

Lucas went to the RPOS base, inquiring about Jack Pivello. Unfortunately, it seems Lucas just missed him. So, Lucas asked around town, but Jack wasn't anywhere around. Jack probably left into the desert earlier for investigation. Out of leads, Lucas went to the fountain and leaned against its edge, exhausted.

Lucas: Another dead end...

As Lucas sat there, a spark glowed in his heart – well, it shone through like a ghostly light. This small light emerged out of his chest and in front of his face. It then took on a form – a small ghostly blue butterfly. She rested on Lucas's hand.

Butterfly: Hm, that makes three of us.
Lucas: Oh - ? Oh right, you're that voice I keep hearing. That...white dragon from the other day.
Butterfly: Mm-hmm~
Lucas: Well, since we have a moment, can you tell me your name?
Butterfly: My name? Oh... {to self} Right, what was it? {sigh} Sorry...Like Damian, I've forgotten a lot over these two centuries. I...remember bigger details, but I'm struggling with the little ones...
Lucas: Oh...
Butterfly: I'm really sorry...When I found you, I wasn't sure that I should have left such a burden on your shoulders. I only remembered someone telling me what to do to save me and Damian, and how urgent the tone was...I felt it had to be done, knowing that.
????: {clears throat} Pardon, but...
Lucas: Hm - ?

Lucas looked to the source of the voice. It was a blind man who seemed to be in his late 20s. His yellow hair is fairly long in the back and has scruffy bangs. His visible clothes are a tan cloak, black sleeves, white boots, and a white cloth over his eyes, tied in the back like a headband. He was carrying a lute.

Lucas: O-Oh! Sorry, hehe...

Lucas quickly moved out of the man's way.

Blind Man: Thank you.

The blind man took his seat on the fountain's edge. Now that Lucas noticed, this is the part of the fountain with two dragons at the sides. A lot of townsfolk had also gathered.

Lucas: {to a nearby old man} Hey, um...who is that guy? He seemed pretty intuitive for a blind man.
Old Man: Quite the enigma, isn't he? Yes, he's lived in Sangrasede for some time. He goes by Kiro.
Lucas: Kiro?
Old Man: {nods} Kiro is quite knowledgeable of Ryugaia's past. As for his vision...his loss of eyesight supposedly made him focus more on his inner eye.
Lucas: Oh yeah! I think I heard about him in one news story. His inner eye saw things as good as normal eyesight – and supposedly better, I heard.
Old Man: Perhaps you can ask him yourself after this? His songs are quite mystifying.

Lucas turned his attention to the blind man Kiro, who had readied his lute.

Kiro: Thank you, everyone. Today, I would like to share a song that has drifted about in the annals of history. Some debate whether or not it's based in fact or folklore. Yet, something about it just draws me in, much like a wind picks up leaves. Perhaps you might figure out why.

And so, Kiro began his song, his fingers strumming the strings of the lute melodically and slowly, like calm breezes against a river. Lucas (and the butterfly) were especially intrigued by the song itself.

Kiro: ~ O dragons two, whom braved through chaos ~Those lost to doom're restored by thee ~
~ O dragons young, 'lone in the world reborn ~ Please hear the planet's plea ~

In the midst of the song, Lucas and the butterfly closed their eyes and envisioned the isle under the cloud funnel, the moon piercing down alongside the sun.

Kiro: ~ Wayward souls through space they braved ~ His heart now skewed and charred with hate ~
~ Her heart now split in fragments eight ~ Each now yearning to be saved ~

In the vision, the moon and sun seemed to lose their light – the sun's light was shattered into eight pieces and fell below, and without the sun's light, the moon was barren.

Kiro: ~ Like butterflies with pollen bore ~ Thine keys to seek lay under and o'er ~
~ Together, your hearts will surely mend ~ And shear the eclipse what spells the end ~

At this part, many fragments of light orbited around the dim sun and moon, gradually bringing their lost light back. At this point, Lucas and the butterfly eased back to reality.

Kiro: ~ O dragons two, whom braved through chaos ~ Though eyes grow weak to behold thee ~
~ O dragons young, 'lone in the world reborn ~ Face thine sorrow, bring us free ~

The song drew to a close, followed by the audience's applause. Kiro gave a bow as he stood.

Lucas: (There's something about that song...I should probably ask Kiro myself.)

As everyone else left to go about their usual business, Lucas went to Kiro.

Kiro: Ah, hello again. Um...pardon my earlier rudeness.
Lucas: No, it's okay. I think I kind of understand why you picked this spot of the fountain. {smiles} That was...a beautiful song, by the way.
Kiro: Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it. (!) Hm...
Lucas: (?)

Lucas (and the butterfly on his shoulder) just watched as Kiro "gazed" at them (well, however a blind blindfolded man would).

Kiro: I see...So you're Lucas, son of Harris Vinisha. Been some time since I last saw you.
Lucas: R-Really?
Kiro: You probably don't remember...That's alright. You were just a newborn when your parents last visited me here. (!) Hold on...there's someone else with you.
Butterfly: (?)
Kiro: ...Ah, I see. {clears throat} Sorry, didn't...mean to unnerve you there.
Lucas: Yeah, so...I was wondering what all do you know about the song's background?
Kiro: Hm, well –

Just then, a man's scream came over from the gate.

Kiro: What - ?!
Lucas: Guilts??

Lucas and Kiro went over to the gate, approaching the nervous gatekeeper's booth.

Kiro: Speak, man. What happened?
Gatekeeper: {nervous} Th-Th-There...! On the other side, it'';s a...!
Voice: {on other side of gate} I told you, I'm not a monster!
Lucas: (!) Wait, that's... {to gatekeeper} Relax, it's just a friend of mine.
Kiro: {glances through the gate} ...Let him in.
Gatekeeper: A-Are you sure, Mayor?
Kiro: I can tell – he means no harm.
Gatekeeper: {sigh} Okay...

And so the gatekeeper started opening the gate for Damian. While it was opening...

Lucas: Mayor, huh?
Kiro: {modest chuckle} Well, I don't exactly...hold the title firmly, so to speak.

The gate had fully opened, allowing Damian entry. There was lots of sand in his hair, which he shook off before walking toward the town square.

Damian: Phew...That was exhausting...
Kiro: {sand in hair} Hm.
Lucas: {sand in hair} ...

Lucas and Kiro joined up with Damian as he reclined near the fountain. Passersby weren't sure whether to gaze at him or just hurry along nervously.

Damian: {looks at Kiro} (!) Er...who are you?
Kiro: ...The name's Kiro. Hm...yes, if I were to evaluate you, I'd say...
Damian: (?)
Kiro: ...that you're still just a caterpillar.
Damian: (?!) Cater...pillar? Seriously?
Lucas: {sweatdrop} I...think he means that...figuratively?
Kiro: Ah...but you've already begun weaving your chrysalis! That's a good sign.
Damian: Uh...heh, not sure I fully understand what –
Woman: Look out!!

Damian, Lucas, the butterfly, and Kiro then noticed a few Guilts leaping down into the plaza. There were a couple Brawl Weepers, a Bad Horse (whose mane is made of fierce flames), and a Tough Grit (looks like a pile of sand with arms).

Butterfly: {startled} Oh no...! Not now!
Lucas: Any ideas? I don't think a wind's gonna work well on those two...
Butterfly: True, but - ! Wait...
Lucas: What is it?

The butterfly felt something welling up within herself. In her mind (the cloud funnel area), three columns of water fell around the isle.

Butterfly: (!) Of course!

Damian stood between Kiro and the Guilts, protecting the shaken blind man.

Kiro: {shocked} They came in here, too...?? Those Guilts...
Damian: Stay back! I won't let these pests hurt this town!
Lucas: Damian! The butterfly...
Damian: (?) Butterfly?
Lucas: The...white dragon from before...
Butterfly: I figured out something! Lucas, join up with Damian, and I'll lend this power!
Lucas: Right!
Damian: Okay, let's see it!

Lucas hopped onto Damian's back, restoring his Divinities – along with a new one from the butterfly – and he prepared to fight the Guilts.
:iconcommentplz: Thoughts, praises, critiques, and haters are welcome.

Ch5-1 Ch5-2 Ch5-3 Ch5-4

Now entering Sangrasede. Here's some expository lyrics...

- Kiro: This mysterious blind man is honorary mayor of Sangrasede. Even though his eyes have failed, his inner eye's vision has increased dramatically. He seems to know much of Ryugaia's history.

- Necro Serpent: A shadow Divinity that Damian made to pierce barriers and chase down locked-on targets. It seems to be a way to prevent the cowardly wicked from getting away.

- Dominion & all characters (c) Mr. Author (me)
© 2012 - 2024 UMSAuthorLava
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itechneff's avatar
So that is who the bitterfly is gottcha